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Sudarshan Shetty curates Who is Asleep Who is Awake for Serendipity Arts Festival 2022, on the intersections between reality and fiction and the claims to freedom and expression.

Part two of the Asia Society’s Triennial in New York reflects Asia’s prominence within the global artistic landscape

Recognizing Asia’s rich cultural and artistic legacy, and a rising global focus on Asian contemporary art, the Asia Society India Centre and Asia Society Museum present the first Asia Arts Awards in India.

Since 2007 Abir Karmakar has been painting pictures of his bedroom, and sometimes also the small bathroom adjoining it, both probably in the apartment in which he lives. In the first of the thirteen works that constitute the provocative series he calls In The Old Fashioned Way, 2007 he stands in his bedroom, completely naked, and facing away from us, so that his buttocks are in our face, as though inviting us to copulate with him.